Saturday 21 November 2015

The Pen Tool

I must admit this tool for me was challenging at first to say the least, but once mastered, is one of the most precise tools for making composts,
I found this tool very handy in my Image Options portfolio, where cutting cars out and placing them in the sky, was a snap.
also as you can see in the vesper relocation and public sculpture project this worked  treat
and with the help of refining mask and feathering techniques you would  swear they were never composite images.
I also found that for me to open up the image to be selected to100 percent and clicking carefully around the subject, is not strictly the preferred technique
where by clicking and dragging and pressing control ( Win ) 
s the purist and correct way does give a far superior result but I found so time consuming if many objects are o be done this way
I've always thought if a job needs to be done, what ever way best for me and more clicks to the path then edging with masking brush with no hardness work just as well for me, or even refining edges once cut out,
The  Vesper Image below was originally shot in the studio, and a separate location shot taken, then the Vesper cut out using the Pen Tool, and then a composit made adding shadows Wallah

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