Saturday 21 November 2015

My Final Image Portfolio 2015

This portfolio of images is a portfolio  of the best and innovative collection of my work which I would  then go on to show to a prospective client or gallery in the future.
The images demonstrate through photographic techniques I have learned,  I have been  able to demonstrate my own style and innovative use of photographic techniques
I decided to do what I love and do best, in this collection of images to show color , lots and lots of color spread over as much as a surface are as possible. These full size " Trippy Murals" as I have heard them best described, started life as a normal Photograph taken at some time during my  Diploma of photo Imaging,
The canvas size is determined by 8 portrait canvases stitched together in photoshop to make a Panoramic size Canvas
This done automatically using Photoshop, Photomerge etc
once the canvas is completed other photo are mixed and merged using the Liquid Filter, and because the the length is exactly 8 photo Images long, scaled down of course all the images panorama will be exactly the same size
This is now here the fun begins
The first panoramic image is done , then duplicated then the duplicate is reversed and mixed around
then a layer mask  is added  and blending mode chosen etc
then we a have a second panorama and the procedure goes on till had 12
The idea was to show to Evolution of one panoramic plate to the next, each being totally different to the next te collection of images are as follows 

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