Saturday 21 November 2015

Hair Masking

Hair Masking was the coolest of the lessons learnt at Art School ( Not that all your lessons weren't cool  James)
being able to accurately select an object  by separating it from contrast using channels, is quiker and way more accurate than the Pen Tool could hope to achieve
Hair masking a model and placing him/her in a different background can be quite daunting at first but once mastered I never use anything else
First opened up image of model in photo shop
then selected channel with best contrast
On  skin Tones this is usually blue
Duplicate Channel
it is best if can be made a pure white background if possible 
In The Duplicate Channel, open up Levels and  make model  as black as possible without losing hair detail,
then paint the model black
now we have black silhouette  on a white back ground
select the channel to make selection
go to layers
add layer mask and now we have a selected layer, now we can open up back ground from second image
select and copy and paste background to model
now model appears on new background
select layer mask by clicking
choose refine edges, feathering to tidy up edges
a good tip to tidy the white edges of the end of hair is to create clipping mak the clone tool to run
over hair, this way the white edges are replace with real hair color

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