Tuesday 10 November 2015

Displacement Mapping

Had a lot of fun with this one and came up with one and came up wth some interesting results based on textures mapped around a portrait of my face,
Being a fan of Abstract, Surreal, and any chance to manipulate a figure even if its me gave me great joy
This texture will be mapped on a portrait of my face
First selected  channel with the best contrast
which in Skin tones always happens to be Blue
Then we duplicate the channel
This bring up duplicate channel Dialog box and selected new for document option
apply the Median filter to displacement map image
apply the Gaussian blur filter
 Convert image to Grayscale and save as a psd file
Then selected face on photo
Saved the selection
to select and save selection
when selecting after drawing around the face with selected tool
to select the eyes hold own alt o option in windows and selection automatically jumps to negative so eyes can be cut out
Saved the selection
which allows easily loading
now we copied the texture photo over original image
opened the photo using as texture
made sure texture layer was selected by clicking inside document window
then duplicated layer, named copied layer texture
loaded the selection
from the selection we saved earlier added a layer mask
changed the blend mode to Overlay
then selected the texture layer unlinked the layer from layer mask
applied displacement filter
selected displacement map portrait we created earlier
 and here are some iv had fun with that have been created ealier
Because of my attraction to photo manipulation this method will prove handy in my methods and hope to develop my own style, I find this the most reward as I've always just loved to doodle with graphics
 here playing with more specific areas
Brick Lips, I was surprised how weird this made me look , but I swear, I not wearing Lippy nor am I a Cross dresser lol

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