Sunday 16 August 2015

Mutiple Exposure

Multiple Exposure is like a lucky dip creating surprising special effects with the never ending possibilities, with the addition of Layers and masks with Blending Options that can be manipulated, wrapped between layers. theirs no limit to what you can create except your own imagination, the image below was manipulated using a Nikon D5100 and photos from Honeysuckle Newcastle,
I quite often find myself DOODLING with images coming up with endless kaleidoscopic results, The res no limit to the images that can be used for Album Covers , Book Covers.
I find With Multiple Exposures it is possible and quite a lot of fun to build a Self Portrait not necessarily with a photo of your self but by using Exposures Multiple Exposures describing yourself by the Effects it create , the color etc.


 This Multiple Exposure describes me as well a Photo being that I come from a Boilermaking Welder Background and favorite colors are Purple and Blues as they are Soothing cooling which i also love  use in in my paintings

This is the image from which a Multi Exposure Resulted

Saturday 15 August 2015

Ghostly Composition

This ghostly composition  gives great practice in understanding in the use of masking and layers
On practice can we gain a firm understanding of the use of Masking , Layers and even blending options and Opacity Changes can  take a rather dull photo into the world of of the super natural and could be straight from the cover of a Stephen King Novel, 
prctice makes perfect and this is a fun way to master the many uses of masking and layering , which in many cases when fully understood can enhance photos tremendously

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Vesper Layout

The Vesper Brief
Below is the completed layout of the photographic shoot of the Vespers
The placing  of the Vesper and the lighting played a critical important role in the design
of the completed page to which it is displayed.
Enough room at the top of the page allowed the required text, ( not shown) while leaving enough space at the bottom of the page to show detailed sections of f the vehicle,
When shooting for a client, placement, lighting, cleanliness, no footprints, Tyre marks of any description must be evident in the production as removing them in photo editing is time consuming and time m wasting,
It is always best to go ahead with a shoot with a clear plan of everything first before a sing photo graph is taken

This Layout of the main Photo and 3 detailed shots completed in Photoshop,  pretty much was shot as. Apart from the removal of the cardboard under the bike stand which one would never guess was there in the first place